Vienna Mozart Orchestra

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PreviousMay 2027


The Vienna Mozart Orchestra (Wiener Mozart Orchester) is performing in Vienna concerts with famous singers and soloists - all in magnificent historical costumes and wigs which creates a special ambience in Vienna's largest and most famous Concert Halls and Theatres, like the State Opera, Musikverein-Golden Hall and Konzerthaus. The atmosphere and the choice of musical works gives an impression of an authentic concert of the baroque era when Mozart lived.

Join us on a journey back to the 18th century ... !!

From May to October every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday
Admission: 7:15 p.m. Start: 8:15 p.m. End: 10:00 p.m.
» Airconditioned

Prices for concert tickets - see also the seating plan below the main banner.

€ 352,- Mozart V.I.P. Ticket
€ 116,- category Superior
€ 94,- category A
€ 77,- category B
€ 55,- category C  - seats with obstructed respectivley without view

Prices for concert tickets for children up to 15 years (please bring a valid ID) and students up to 27 years (only with international Student ID - ISIC Card in physical form) are with 50% reduced!


Make it the most special way with the Mozart V.I.P. Ticket

Enjoy a wonderful evening, perfectly organised from a culinary and from a cultural point of view, we cordially invite you to get to know Vienna at its best - with the Mozart V.I.P. Ticket.
At 6 p.m. your table awaits you at the superb Restaurant Opus (Hotel Imperial), one of Austria's best restaurants. The chef has prepared a gourmet treat for you, the "concert-goer's menu".
After a delicious dinner a page  in a Mozart costume will escort you to the Viennese Fiaker (horse-drawn carriage) waiting in front of the restaurant. You will be driven to the world-renowned Opera House, the Musikverein or the Konzerthaus. Your page will lead you to your reserved seat, and you are guaranteed a treat for your eyes and ears: the Vienna Mozart Concert. You will be presented with a souvenir programme and a CD recording of the Vienna Mozart Orchestra.
In the interval you will have the opportunity to enjoy a glass of sparkling wine or a soft drink in the V.I.P. area and to talk to the members of our ensemble. Conductor, singers and soloists will welcome you into their circle. When the concert is over your page will be happy to offer advice on how to spend the rest of your unforgettable evening

The Mozart V.I.P. Ticket includes:

Concert-goer's menu"(four-course meal, drinks not included)
at the Restaurant Opus (Hotel Imperial), 1010 Vienna, Kärntnerring 16
Fiaker drive from the Restaurant Opus to the concert hall
1 best category ticket for the Vienna Mozart Concert
1 glass sparkling wine or an orange juice
an opportunity to talk to the performers
1 programme
Fee for wardrobe
1 CD of the Vienna Mozart Orchestra


Concert & Dinner Packages

Delightful Vienna Pass

€ 171,- Red Carpet Pass
€ 149,- Premium Pass
€ 132,- Golden Pass
€ 110,- Silver Pass

Discounted prices on Concert & Dinner Packages
for children up to 15 years (please bring a valid ID) and students up to 27 years (only with international Student ID - ISIC Card in physical form):

€113 Red Carpet Pass
€ 102 Premium Pass
€ 94 Golden Pass
€ 83 Silver Pass



Delightful Vienna Pass:

This package includes:

  • A glass of sparkling wine as welcome drink
  • three-course meal at the restaurant of the Grand Hotel Vienna.
    at 6:00 pm or 10:15 pm

    "The meals are composed by the chef himself […]
    They rank among "the Best",
    you can get on your plate in Austria "
    - Gault Millau
  • Ticket for the Vienna MOZART Concert., begin at 8:15 pm
  • “Golden Collection-CD” by the Vienna Mozart Orchestra

Price Information

Red Carpet Pass à € 171,-
Package Concert & Dinner incl. Ticket in category Superior

Premium Pass à € 149,-
Package Concert & Dinner incl. Ticket in category A

Golden Pass à € 132,-
Package Concert & Dinner incl. Ticket in category B

Silver Pass à € 110,-
Package Concert & Dinner incl. Ticket in category C

Discounted prices on Concert & Dinner Packages
for children up to 15 years and students up to 27 years:

Red Carpet Pass € 113
Premium Pass € 102
Golden Pass € 94
Silver Pass € 83

Transfers not included! Restaurant OPUS is situated at walking distance from the concert halls: Musikverein, Staatsoper and Konzerthaus all within walking distance.

Smart evening attire adviced.


Program and cast

Vienna Mozart Orchestra

Selected works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart


THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2024 - 3:30 p.m


Vienna Mozart Orchestra
Young Artists from Hong Kong


Orchestral music

Ends approximately 5:20 p.m